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Assignments/Blogs: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureTia Humphries

COVID-19 Coverage

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

Tia Humphries

Capstone NewsVision Lab

COVID-19 Coverage

1. Severe Coronavirus Cases Among Young Americans Raise New Alarm

Since the emergence of the novel coronavirus in December, the CDC believed that the elderly and those with compromised immune systems were the most vulnerable to become severely sick and even die from the virus. Thus, causing generation Z to believe they are immune, and many continued to enjoy their spring breaks in various places. However, I like the news coverage from the Today Show because they disrupt the narrative that young people aren’t affected. The CDC, White House Officials, and governments around the world have recognized the spread of this disease lies in the hands of youth. The Today show illustrates how a millennial in perfect health is now fighting for their life. This package alone made me take my health and actions more seriously so that I don’t put my family members at risk.


2. How New Yorkers Are Coping with Coronavirus

The city that never sleeps is now the epicenter of the coronavirus in the United States. Streets are empty, subways have halted, and businesses have closed. Other than the devastating tragedies associated with COVID-19, many Americans are taking major economic hits that have left many without jobs and wondering how they will pay their bills. I loved this piece created by the New York Times because it is the definition of a Human story. I was brought to tears watching Elizabeth Baker, a restaurant owner, who had to lay off 90 percent of her staff because business is slow. These people were family, but she simply can’t help them through this time. Layoffs are a sad reality many Americans will face in the coming months. This video also made me realized how much the U.S. middle class relies on consistent work and how many people live paycheck to paycheck. I can only hope once this is over that we all realize our capitalistic society cannot survive a nationwide crisis.

3. Coronavirus: Cuba Sends Doctors to Italy to Help Fight Covid-19

Globally, Italy has become the epicenter of COVID-19, surpassing Wuhan, China’s mortality rate. Italy’s high death rate is contributed primarily to their natural older population, but also due to a lack of doctors, protection gear, and ventilators. Without them, more people are expected to die. The COVID-19 pandemic, although scary, has preached a continuous message of helping each other and unifying to stop this virus once and for all. I found this package to be an intriguing sidebar since this is the first coverage I’ve seen of another country sending doctors to epicenters to help relieve the medical stress of native doctors that are working around the clock. Their actions reminds me of how hundreds of American firefighters traveled to Australia to assist with the bush fires. The Cuban doctors saw a need and viewed the situation as their moral responsibility to help others if they are able. A mindset, I believe, should be adopted by everyone.

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